Blessed Thistle (Cnicus benedictus)
- Stimulation of digestion (digestive)
- Cleansing of the blood (depurative)
- Strengthening nerves (nervine)
- Stimulating metabolism
- Antibiotic, antiviral properties
- Cleansing the liver and kidneys
- Stimulating the secretion of uric acid (diuretic)
- Stimulating the secretion of gastric juices
- Historically known to help aid acid indigestion (heartburn remedy)
- Reduces flatulence (carminative)
- Helps counteract diarrhea
- Generally strengthening as a tonic
- Herbal Bitter (stimulant, especially good for liver and ovaries)
- Antiseptic
- Expectorant
- Promotes healing of wounds
- Stimulates transpiration (sudorific)
- Stimulates appetite
- Induces the flow of mother's milk (galactagogue)
- Stimulates menstruation (emmenagogue)
- May induce vomiting, but only when used in high doses (emetic)
Historically or traditionally known to support the body's function and physiology in:
- Lessening the severity of fever, colds
- Reducing outbreaks of herpes, sores, boils, scabies
- Vertigo, deafness
- Liver and gall challenges
- Depression and amnesia
- Mild headaches
- Digestive disorders, constipation, diarrhea
- Loss of appetite, anorexia nervosa
- Stomach and intestinal complaints, hemorrhoids
- Reducing accumulation of phlegm in the lungs
Persons who are allergic to daisy family plants [Fam. Asteraceae] may
experience allergy symptoms to Blessed Thistle. High doses (over 5 grams
of the herb per cup of infusion) may cause vomiting and diarrhea. The
therapeutic dose is safe.
Blessed Thistle is a low growing annual plant, up to 40cm, with
Thistle-like appearance. Through its bitter properties, Blessed Thistle
increases the flow of gastric juices helping with dyspepsia,
indigestion, and headaches associated with liver congestion. British and
German Pharmacopoeias recognize that 'bitters', including Blessed
Thistle, stimulate bile flow and cleanse the liver. In Europe, Blessed
Thistle, as a "bitter vegetable drug" is considered to be a medicinal
agent used to stimulate appetite, aid digestion, and promote health.
Studies confirm that bitters increase gastric juice and bile acid
secretions by increasing the flow of saliva through stimulation of
specific receptors on the mucous membrane lining of the mouth.
Traditionally in most countries, including England, Germany, Russia,
China, India, and Africa, 'bitters' are used to strengthen and tonify
the body. Blessed Thistle extracts also have anti-bacterial activity.
Research on Blessed Thistle herb has demonstrated antibiotic properties
for: 1) cnicin, 2) the essential oil, and 3) the polyacetylenes
contained in the herb. The essential oil has bacteriostatic action and
may help against Staphylococcus aureus, S. faecalis, but not E. coli.
Research on Blessed Thistle has demonstrated that cnicin has
considerable activity for stimulating cellular regeneration,
detoxification, and cleansing. Cnicin also has anti-inflammatory activity.
Shakespeare recommended Blessed Thistle in his plays for its soothing
effect. Blessed Thistle may be used to stimulate secretion of saliva,
increase appetite, and even facilitate digestion or stimulate the flow
of bile. It has been used as a component in alterative remedies, and has
antibacterial and antifungal activity.
Pharmacologic activities for Blessed
Thistle include possible blockade of gonadotropin and anti-inflammatory
properties. However, there are no reported human clinical trials showing
any of these disadvantages. Blessed Thistle is recommended for use by
public health personnel in Ontario, Canada, as well as by the Canadian
Breastfeeding Foundation. Blessed Thistle has been approved by the
German Commission E.