How the Body Ages: Six Stages of Deterioration
As material toxins and free radicals grow, their presence triggers the
body's aging. A progression of events that, if unchecked, can lead to
the majority of health problems. Each one of these events, or stages, is
added by noticeable physical changes.
Energy levels are directly impacted by nutrition and the body's ability
to break down and absorb the nutrients contained in food. Food that is
not broken down properly, poorly absorbed or low in nutritional value,
leaves us feeling tired, sluggish and unrested. Failure to properly
digest food leaves it to decay and mold, turning it into toxic
substances that pass from the blood into tissues. This undigested food
(called chyme) becomes encrusted on intestinal walls, this is how
further obstruction and absorption of nutrients continue draining the
body of energy.
Poor digestion, even constipation and irregular bowel movements are
signs that can make the body age faster by not getting rid of waste
properly, leading to a storing of toxins. A bowel movement once or less
per day is cause for concern. This storing of toxins causes damage at
the cellular level.
Rising levels of toxic material in the body cause irritation both
internally and externally. The warning signs are itchy or irritated
skin, rashes, nausea, insomnia and or mood swings.
These are signals that the body's elimination pathways are not working
properly and are no longer able to completely remove toxins and waste.
This inflammation stage is marked by the presence of pain and visible
swelling. Inflammation occurs if there is constant irritation to areas
where toxins continue to increase over time. Current research suggests
this is the cause of most of today health challenges.
Ulcers occur in centered areas of the body where high levels of stored
material toxins destroy and damage the cells and tissues around them.
Increased pain is felt at this stage, as nerves are now exposed when
tissue has become affected by an ulcer.
Hard inflamed tissue keep toxins from spreading outside of the ulcerated
areas, the body fills in the ulcers with scar tissue. This is the last
stage where the body still has control of its cells.